Daideo.com is registered to Rich Gallaher as a personal and family domain.  The domain allows Rich to make available web pages for our various interests and activities.  He figured sooner or later someone might wonder “What is Daideo.com?” and browse to this location.  Now you know!


In case you’re wondering, Daideo is pronounced “dah-doh” and it is the Irish Gaelic word for “Grandpa.”  (Rich is the grandpa of two bright, lively and beautiful granddaughters.)


In addition to spending time with his family, Rich enjoys many interesting activities, including computing, hot air ballooning, geocaching, and running the Pretty Darn Good Race


You may notice that there are not a lot of links from this page. No offense, but the page is here to explain the domain, and I am not trying to share my personal life with just anyone.  Those who need the individual links can get them elsewhere—if you’ve had my email address but lost it, or just really want to get in touch with me, please use the email form below.  That way, I can send you my email address without making available to every Viagra salesman and Nigerian prince on the web!


Welcome to Daideo.com!