About a month ago, Roger and I went to Bellingham for an exhibition of National Geographic’s 50 Greatest Photos. (I got distracted before finishing this post.) The photos were amazing to see, and each included an explanation of how the shot came to be. Very interesting! I wish I could show them here,but they are copyrighted. Try this link to get an idea.
It was a clear and cold morning when we left, so we stopped at Starbucks first. From Carillon Point, the view of the Olympics was spectacular. My lens couldn’t really do it justice, but I got the duck.
Roger had a longer lens, and his photo was beatiful! Click here for Roger’s photo from Facebook
We also visited the Spark Museum of Radio and Electricity. It is jammed full of antique electrical equipment, phonographs, radios, TV’s and had a ham radio section.
I was delighted to see among the relics a short-wave radio receiver just like one I built from a kit when I was in Jr. high school.
They also had a surplus aircraft transmitter like the one I converted for use with my first ham license when I was in high school.
On the way home, we happened to see a bunch of swans, so we pulled off for a couple of shots.
Link to NGS was a dead end.