Last weekend, Janie and I had to clear out of our condo because they were resurfacing the hallways, so we took the opportunity to go to Long Beach for a couple of days. I didn’t get around to posting any photos, so here are a few.
This was the view from the deck of our condo.
An evening visitor (from the deck of the condo).
Cape Disappointment Light
Troller heading out
This weekend, Jess is in town to celebrate his 40th birthday and 2nd adoption anniversary, so we decided to get away for a couple of day to a beach house on Harstine Island in South Puget Sound.
Here is a photo from our deck taken in the evening.
This is the same view in the morning.
Very relaxing!
We had to stay home and work, fun to have a fifteen minute vacation. Great photos.
I really appreciate all your reports and photos< and very glad you have been able to have the experiences an keep us informed about George and family. Much love, Mom
Lovely Pictures Rich! Must have been that ‘cleaning’ the camera got on the last trip?
Say Hi to Janie and Jess and Les too!
Much fun and nicely done.