Thursday, Jess had to work, so Leslie and I went on and adventure together. We started at the Ferry terminal, and then headed to the North Beach Neighborhood. This was the center of the beatnik culture of the late 50’s. We browsed through City Lights Books, which was started by Lawrence Ferlinghetti and published Allen Ginsberg’s Howl. We also visited the Beat Museum, a labor of love by Jerry Cimino.
North Beach is also the home of the original Hungry i, which was instrumental in the careers of many performers including Bill Cosby, Lenny Bruce, Barbara Streisand, the Kingston Trio and many more. There is still a Hungry i in North Beach, but it is a topless club at a different location.
We walked from North Beach to nearby Chinatown, although we avoided the phony Grant Ave. shops and looked instead at the more authentic Stafford Street open markets, where food is so fresh, it is still alive when you buy it.
We finally headed home, and later Jess and Leslie came over for dinner. Leslie cooked us another great dinner: Fresh tilapia tacos and nachos.