My First Beer

And by that, I don’t mean of course the first beer I’ve had to drink! I had a great time yesterday with daughter-in-law Katie.  She invited me to go make beer at a “You Brew It” brewery.  How could I turn her down?  Its beer, and the name of the place is Gallagher’s.

Neither of us had ever brewed beer before.  I don’t want to diminish what experienced beer brewers can do, but at Gallagher’s, it was easy.  They had 54 recipes to choose from and a variety of beers to taste.  We chose a honey wheat beer to make.  They had all the ingredients, showed us what to do and encouraged us along the way.

Milling the GrainHere I’m milling the grains to crack them so that they will release their flavor when put in the water. Our recipe used two kinds of grain.









Adding the Malt

Katie is pouring in some of the malt (sort of like molasses). We had three kinds of malt.





Stirring the Wort aWe added a couple of kinds of hops and some Irish moss (that’s right) and then stirred it all up well.









After a couple of hours of mixing and cooking and tasting a flight of beers (mostly the latter), they transferred the mix into a keg for fermenting.  We go back in two weeks to bottle it. I can’t wait!

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