A Good Luck Omen

We are in Malmo now, and it is time to catch up on the last few days.

Map 1

First, for those who are interested, this is an illustration of our entire trip.  Click on the thumbnail to see our entire route from the North to the Southern end of Sweden, with a detour into Finland and finishing up in Copenhagen.

I apologize again for the length of the next few posts. I know it is easier to scroll through some pictures with captions, but for most of you who have not been in Sweden, I can’t describe our experiences in just a few words.

Today is Monday, and we were on the road most of Saturday and Sunday, so we’re ready to take it easy for a day, get our bearings and catch up with the blog. I’ll break it up into a few different entries, so they’re not so long.

Wednesday, we did a lot of running around during the day including a visit to a 2nd hand store, and a garden/gift/art/cafe place that was an early inspiration for Tim’s Timogarden.

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Lunch at the 2nd hand store with Li, Joel and Agnes . . .

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. . . and Annalena, Tim and Janie.










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Cooperative dragonfly!

At the garden store, we had a special experience as a dragonfly landed on Janie and remained for at least 10 min. while I had the opportunity for photograph it up close!IMG_0513 (Medium)











In the evening, we attended an absolutely fantastic concert by a Klezmer band! They were also joined on a few numbers by a well-known Swedish rap singer and slam poet, Henry Bowers (also known as Kung Henry). Who would have known that rap goes very well with Klezmer?

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Although we had a snack at the concert, we also had our taste buds set for fish and chips at a pub afterwards.  Unfortunately, the pub was closed. By the time we started hunting for an alternative, so was everywhere else, so we wound up picking up pre-made sandwiches at a grocery store.  They tasted pretty good by midnight, when we got to eat them!

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