I wanted to design a rack for my radio gear that would fit on the new desk and also fit into the case I had purchased to comply with airline carry-on rules. After watching some YouTube videos, I thought the best and easiest design would be using PVC pipe for a frame and metal plates for shelves. My first attempt was another failure! By now, Janie was unable to walk and my ability to be away from home was limited, so building this rack would have to fit into the times I could get away to buy parts. I also ordered some things online, and one of the companies sent me the wrong part twice. Finally, I got everything I needed together, but once I had the frame together, I discovered that it did not fit in the case. I was apparently not careful enough when glueing things together, and I had failed to notice some protrusions inside the case that interfered with the fit. (Note: the PVC design didn’t work for my purposes, but it could work in other situations. If you ever decide to make a project involving PVC, do yourself a favor and spend $15 on a Home Depot PVC cutter.)
I threw out the first attempt and abandoned that design. My second attempt was made from plywood and threaded rods. It worked well, but it took some careful planning to get it to fit around the connectors on the radio and still fit in the case. I never actually used it in the case, but I had designed the desk to fit the rack and it worked very well to stack up the tuner, power supply, radio main unit, head unit and my headphones, with room for air circulation.