
We enjoyed Thanksgiving dinner at daughter-in-law Katie’s. Leslie did most of the cooking, including the turkey and as usual she did an amazing job. Janie was able to contribute as well, as she is getting more and more stamina and more mobile. I pitched in with some pie crusts for the apple and pumpkin pies.

The day after Thanksgiving we headed to an AirBnB in Allyn, Mason County. Jess was here from San Francisco and he and Leslie joined us on the trip. This was a first-time stay at this AirBnB and we liked it a lot. It had a great view of the water and since our goal on these trips is to watch movies, watch the rain and just chill, we had a great time.

IMG_8740aHere is another picture of a heron. (My brother thinks it’s a cormorant.) I seem to go places where the herons hang out. If you look closely, you can see that it was raining pretty hard.

2 thoughts on “Thanksgiving

  1. It’s a Great Blue Heron. : ) They like the water too, and the rain. They might like a movie about fishing; you’ll have to let us know…

    • My brother didn’t actually think it was a cormorant. He was kidding me about my earlier post on Facebook, in which I was referring to snow geese and FB displayed the picture of a heron. (The cormorant comment came from an error I made years ago that he will not let me forget.)

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