This short post is just to let our friends know that we are doing OK during this time of Shelter in Place. Not all of our friends use Facebook, and we don’t post there often anyway. Because of Janie’s physical limitations, we are not galavanting around much anyway, so Shelter in Place has not affected us that much. The major impact is the shutting down of those places that we used to visit, such as meetings, restaurants and the doctors, and our contact with our granddaughters. However, we’ve adapted as many others have to the use of video conferencing. In some cases it has actually increased my participation in activities because I can participate from home without leaving Janie.
Leslie has been affected more than Janie and I–her part time job shut down and she has spent more time helping us. She does the vast majority of our shopping so that we can minimize our exposure to other people. Leslie has also added a new member to our family, Angus the dog! More on Angus in a later post. This one is getting too long.