The Phoenix Rises

It has been a long time since I posted to this blog! The reason is writers’ block. I started a rather involved description of what I had been up to in the last couple of years, and I still can’t figure out how to finish it. I will get back to it eventually for those of you who may be interested in my past activities. I have a backlog of other activities to report on, but for now, I am going to try to post a series of more frequent, shorter posts.

5 thoughts on “The Phoenix Rises

  1. Thank you, Rich! Good to see you back to blogging!
    I think mom Luana worked on a big balloon called the Phoenix in her early days of repair? When I saw your title “The Phoenix Rises”, guess what I thought? Up up and away!! 😃

    • Phoenix was Luana’s first beg project to get certified as a balloon repair person. She called it Phoenix because it was literally out of the ashes of Bill Karras’ Shenandoah.

  2. Good idea. I keep trying to get up the gumption to do the same thing. It’s hard to write, though, when you only have a very small audience.

  3. Glad to hear that you will be back at the typewriter, I know the feeling of staying clear of it as well. I have a draft I have started back in March or April about a trip to the left coast that has lingered in the ether for no good reason. Certainly has not been a lack of time. Stay well, love to Janie and Leslie. Pat the pup for us….

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