
When we were in the north of Sweden, there were signs all over to watch for reindeer on the road, and we saw several of them. They would wander down the road, oblivious to traffic, even the huge ore trucks that whizzed by. But I was never able to get a picture of a reindeer because when we saw them, there was never a good place to pull over to get a shot. So, here is a picture of a couple of reindeer that I had to get in Kent, Washington.


Of course, these were captive. In Sweden, the reindeer roam free during most of the year, and are rounded up the way cattle are here, when it’s time to identify and harvest them for meat and hide.

Since I wasn’t able to get a picture of the reindeer as we saw them, I found a picture, taken by Valerie Garner of Bellevue, WA, and she has given me permission to show it here (click on the photo to see her other photos and artwork, which are for sale.)

Photography Prints


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