The Kenmore Mural and 0.1 K Fun Stumble

1 IMG_8002a (Mobile)I had fun a couple of weeks ago photographing the 0.1 K Fun Stumble benefit for the Kenmore Mural Project. I planned to go and participate in support of the project, but I brought my camera and it turned out that they did not have anyone set up to take pictures. The camera gave me a perfect excuse to avoid doing anything too strenuous, while still getting to participate.

This is a panoramic photo of the mural itself, located on a 188′ long side wall of St. Vincent de Paul just off Bothell Way. (I’m not sure how to display it. If it were 5″ tall, it would have to be 5-1/2 feet long. Click on the photo to see a larger version.) For scale look for the two people up on ladders near the left side of the picture.Kenmore Mural Panorama (small)

The Stumble was an obstacle course set up at the local 192 Brewery and Lake Trail Taphouse to raise money for part of the costs. In talking with the artists, I learned that the project was funded with community donations matched by the City of Kenmore.

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These are the artists, Staci and Gaul, but the painting has been done by them and by many, many volunteers.





Participants got a T-shirt and a coupon for a sample-size beer for their donation to the mural.

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10 IMG_7938a (Mobile)The first obstacle is deceptively easy.







13 IMG_7962a (Mobile)But then comes the Limbo Bar! This guy had to use his hands.







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But she did it with a beer! (Or maybe because of the beer?)





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He didn’t do it at all but got a ground’s eye view of the bar.







Here are a few more of the obstacles. (Crossfit was one of the sponsors and set up the course.)

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Daddy’s Donuts sponsored the mid-course rest stop. (I managed to resist this obstacle.)

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